Photo by: @ashleighjophoto
Alejandro De Leon

My name is Alejandro De Leon, but I also go by Alex. If you do try, just remember that song by Lady Gaga "Alejandro." About 3 years ago I bought my wife a camera for Christmas because she loves taking photos. I saw her work, which naturally inspired my creative side to break out of its shell.
One year our friends were getting married and I offered to film their wedding. I returned their project and they were in love. From there it just spiraled for me in a positive direction. I kept learning the craft of wedding videography to elevate my skills. The more time I invested, the more I got hooked.
Your event is as important to me as it is to you. My goal as a filmmaker is to capture your vision in its best form. In other words my goal is to make your vision comes to light better than you envisioned it. I make sure to capture the emotion, the details, and the vision you want to portray. Not to mention capturing the candid moments you missed or didn't know anyone was watching.
You are probably wondering. "Who are you really when you are not filming and making banger wedding films?" Well, I will let you take a peak into that part of my life.
When basketball starts. My family and I like to take a long drive over to Portland, OR to watch a Trailblazers game. Still upset that the letter 0 is no longer there.

During the wedding offseason. We love traveling to get all of us a mental reset. I am usually still behind the lens capturing moments of my wife and son. Yes, I get in the photos.
Usually when I'm chilling alone. I really do practice my skills. This allows me to keep growing my skillset and learn to film from different perspectives. Practice makes perfect, right?